Vacuum Generator series ZM is an all-in-one unit, complete with internal suction filter, exhaust silencer, supply and break valve, and vacuum switch. Its dual-stage nozzle design increases suction flow by 40% over single-stage generators, yet its compact size makes it suitable for many different applications. ZM series generators also boast a strong vacuum break pressure for quick cycle
Vacuum Ejector With Valve and Switch Series ZM [Option] Note) CE compliant: For DC only. How to Order ZM L Nozzle diameter 05 07 10 13 15 0.5 mm 0.7 mm 1.0 mm 1.3 mm 1.5 mm Release flow rate adjusting needle CE compliant Nil Q Nil L Without lock nut CE compliant With lock nut Compatible with release valves only. Vacuum port location Made to Order Refer to pages 1004 to 1006 for details.
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ZMM1-K5LZ-E15L-X235 No. 1 No. 4 No. 2 No. 3 How to Order SET HYS L H ZM 1 5 K Z E15L X235 L 88 4 1 2 3 14 Connector pin number Power supply voltage 24VDC 500 44 With air supply valve/ vacuum release valve 1.5 3.4 Standard supply pressure Supply (P .E.) I 6.3 VACUUM VACUUM EJECTOR SERIES NZM H O W T O O R D E R NZM V A C U U M E J E C T O R D I M E N S I O N S W I T H VA LV E A N D VA C U U M S W I T C H W I T H V A LV E S A N D S W I T C H (N)ZM HK5LZ V O LTA G E 5 24VDC 6 12VDC N O Z Z L E D I A M E T E R 05 0.5mm 07 0.7mm 10 1.0mm 13 1.3mm V A C U U M S W I T C H Nil Without E15L Solid State (NPN) E55L Solid I 6.3 VACUUM VACUUM EJECTOR SERIES NZM H O W T O O R D E R NZM V A C U U M E J E C T O R D I M E N S I O N S W I T H VA LV E A N D VA C U U M S W I T C H W I T H V A LV E S A N D S W I T C H (N)ZM HK5LZ V O LTA G E 5 24VDC 6 12VDC N O Z Z L E D I A M E T E R 05 0.5mm 07 0.7mm 10 1.0mm 13 1.3mm V A C U U M S W I T C H Nil Without E15L Solid State (NPN) E55L Solid
Suction Flow Air Consumption Nil Without E15L Solid State (NPN) E55L Solid State (PNP) M21L Reed M15L Non-contact NZM05H 5Kgf/cm2 / 75PSI 630mmHg 18 12 NZM07H 5Kgf/cm2 / 75PSI 630mmHg 24 23 NZM10H 5Kgf/cm2 / 75PSI 630mmHg 36 46 NZM13H 5Kgf/cm2 / 75PSI 630mmHg 40 95 NZM07M 3.5Kgf/cm2 / 50PSI 630mmHg 20 16 NZM10M 3.5Kgf/cm2 / 50PSI 630mmHg 26 32 NZM13M 3.5Kgf/cm2 / 50PSI 630mmHg 36 70 FOR FURTHER
(Manifolds) NZM1O3HT-J5LZ (6) .(stations'l-", NZMo53HT-J5LZ (2) .
(Manifolds) NZM1O3HT-J5LZ (6) .(stations'l-", NZMo53HT-J5LZ (2) .
Nozzle Diameter: ø0.7, Body Style: 1 (Single Unit w/Valve + Standard Silencer), Vacuum Port Location: Side/Bottom Entry, Standard Supply Pressure: H (0.5 MPa), Thread Type: Rc, Supply/Release Valve: J (Supply Valve), Solenoid Valve Rated Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Electrical Entry: L (L Plug Connector w/0.3m Lead Wire), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (w/Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor)