VVPA4 5 0 04 04 1 Thread type Nil Rc G NPT NPTF VP 5 port Air operated manifold F N T Base size A, B Port size 5 3 4 6 1 Symbol 04 Port size VVPA450 VVPA460 1 2 3 4 Mixed 1 06 10 M (2) Piping Note2) In the case of mixed specifications, indicate M and specify port location sparately on a manifold specification sheet.
VVPA4 5 0 04 04 1 Thread type Nil Rc G NPT NPTF VP 5 port Air operated manifold F N T 5 Base size Rc A, B Port size Rc 3 4 6 1 VVPA450 Symbol 04 Port size VVPA460 1 2 3 4 Mixed 1 06 10 M (2) Piping Note 2) In the case of mixed specifications, indicate M and specify port location sparately on a manifold specification sheet.
0 IS1000 No. q w e r t y u i o !
VZ1000-2A-1M SUP/EXH block assembly y Note) Block pin (2 pcs.) is attached for q, e, t, y.
S I Z E AQ240F-06-00 6 11.5 11 10 43.9 6 15.2 14 5.2 AQ340F-06-00 6 11.5 11 11.8 45.2 6.3 20 14 10.4 2 M5 3 18 T U B E C O N N E C T I O N F Built-in One Touch Tube Connection OD S I Z E D I M E N S I O N S S E R I E S AQ240F/340F W I T H E X H A U S T TA K E O F F Metric 04 4mm 06 6mm Imperial 07 1/4 E X H A U S T P O R T Metric 00 Built-in Silencer 04 4mm 06 6mm Imperial 00 Built-in Silencer
1 o u t !0 VG VP S070 VQ VKF Part no. Material Replacement Parts Material Note Component Parts VQZ No. q w e r t y No. !0 !
(Example) VV5Z3-40-031-M5 1 pc. (Manifold base) VZ3140-5G-M52 pcs. (Valve) DXT192-13-1A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) VV5Z3-43-031-C41 pc. (Manifold base) VZ3140-5LZ1 pc. (Valve) VZ3240-5LZ1 pc. (Valve) DXT192-13-1A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) EVS VFN The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc.
AW4000 AL4000, AFM4000, AFD4000 3/8 33 35 42.2 1/2 50 35 42.2 3/4 AC400-06 AF4000-06, AR4000-06, AW4000-06 AL4000-06, AFM4000-06, AFD4000-06 3/4 E50-06 36 44 46.2 To order piping adapter with bracket, the parts number as shown below.
VFN Pilot type Nil R External pilot Internal pilot
VFR5000 P B 06 G F N NPT Non plug-in VFS5000 S B 06 VFR NPTF T Note) Bottom ported is not available for external pilot.
VFN Pilot type Nil R External pilot Internal pilot
(Example) VV5Z3-40-031-M5 1 pc. (Manifold base) VZ3140-5G-M52 pcs. (Valve) DXT192-13-1A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) VV5Z3-43-031-C41 pc. (Manifold base) VZ3140-5LZ1 pc. (Valve) VZ3240-5LZ1 pc. (Valve) DXT192-13-1A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) EVS VFN The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc.
O I N S TA L L T H E A U T O S W I T C H S T R O N G M A G N E T I C F I E L D P R O O F A U T O S W I T C H (40~63) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
(Manifold base) VV3Z3-40R-031-C61 pc. (Manifold base) VZ312-5LZ-M52 pcs. (Valve) VZ314R-5G2 pcs. (Valve) DXT200-8-6A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) DXT200-8-3A1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly.
(Refer to p.4.9-5) Caution Model Recommended SMC speed controller Caution Model Elbow Straight In-line REC20 AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2001F-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 REC25 AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2001F-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 REC32 AS3201F-01-08-X214 AS3001F-08-X214 AS3201F-01-08-X214 REC40 AS3201F-02-08-X214 AS3001F-08-X214 AS3301F-02-08-X214 4.9-3 Be sure to read before handling.