LEY25: 200 or less LEY32: 100 or less 3. In case of [Double clevis], use the actuator within the following stroke limit. LEY16: 100 or less LEY25: 200 or less LEY32: 200 or less 4. G Head flange is not available for LEY32. Nil 1 3 5 8 A B C Without cable 1.5 3 5 8 !
Duty ratio = A/B x 100 [%] 40 or less 100 50 70 12 70 20 1.3 36 85 15 0.8 Lead 2.5: LEY16C 31.5 [Set value of pushing force] is one of the step data input to the controller. [Continuous pushing time] is the time that the actuator can continuously keep pushing.
stroke or less 37 38 Over 100 stroke 39 No.